
Your New Region

Clubs in Ballarat and Central highlands now come under the auspices of the Ballarat Highlands Bowls Region.

The BHBR consists of 34 clubs. Pennant competitions will be divided into two playing areas thus the 2021/22 competition will be similar to previous seasons (we have lost Avenue/Bacchus Marsh).

Ballarat consisting of Ballan,Ballarat,Ballarat East,BMS,Ballarat North,Beaufort,Bungaree, Buninyong
Cent. Wend. City Oval, Clunes, Creswick, Daylesford, Invermay, Learmonth,Linton,Midlands, Mt Xavier, Sebastopol, Smeaton, Victoria, Waubra, and Webbcona

Highlands consisting of Broadford, Diggers Rest, Gisborne And District, Kilmore, Kyneton, Lancefield, Macedon Ranges, Romsey, Trentham, and Woodend

For regional championships some of the competitions will be combined so be prepared for some extra travel to the host venue.